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Skill Levels for the Mentalist

1 - Beginner

energy cost: 5
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

This discipline create a small arrow of energy that can be directed at any visible target. The damage done by this discipline is an average of 8 points per skill level of the mentalist.

form enmiss

[cast this on a target]

2 - Trainee

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

Detect places a glowing halo around all illusionary walls within the casters view. The discipline's duration is based on the skill level of the caster.

form detect

3 - Jester

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

This discipline enables the psionicist to determine which disciplines, if any, are imbued in an item, and/or how much energy the item has. High-level psionicists can also determine the aura of an imbued item, the number of charges, and even the location a succor twig returns to.

hold object in your right hand: form sense

4 - Student

energy cost: 20
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

Respirate enables the recipient to maneuver easily in water for the duration of the discipline. The duration is based on the skill level of th epsionicist who forms the discipline.

form respirate

[cast this on yourself or others]

5 - Mentalist

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 5
side effect: none known

This discipline foarms a protective barrier around the recipient that will resist most fire damage. The amount of protection bestowed is based on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline.

form protfire

[cast this on yourself or others]

6 - Forger of Fire

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 15
side effect: none known

This discipline creates a searing blast around the target. On average, this does twelve points of damage per skill level in a 30' x 30' area.

form fireball

[cast this on a target or along a path]

energy cost: 25
stress factor: 30
side effect: none known

This discipline creates an illusion of terrain so vivid that it takes on all the qualities of the specified terrain as if it were actually there. The duration of this discipline is dependent upon the skill level of the psionicist. You can create illusions of water, ice, fire, wall, empthy, path, or bridge.

form illusion <kind> <path>

7 - Defender from Ice

energy cost: 25
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

This discipline forms a protective barrier around the recipient that will resist most cold damage. The amount of protection bestowed is based on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline.

form protice

[cast this on yourself or others]

8 - Forger of Ice

energy cost: 15
stress factor: 25
side effect: none known

This discipline causes freezing rain and hail to pelt the targeted creature or location in a 30' x 30' area. Icestorm will cause an average of twelve points of damage per skill level of the psionicist against protected creatures and even more damage against unprotected creatures.

form icestorm

[cast this on a target or along a path]

9 - Controller of Fire

energy cost: 50
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

This discipline allows the psionicist to spew forth a burning cloud of flame at a target in a 90' x 90' area. Firebreath causes an average of 18 points per damage per skill level of the psionicist.

form firebreath

[cast this on a target or along a path]

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 45
side effect: none known

This discipline is used to create a temporary door in wood or stone walls and some varieties of bedrock. Creatures or characters can move freely through the door for the duration of the discipline. The amount of time that the door remains in effect is dependent upon the skill level of the psionicist.

form door <path>

10 - Concealer of Paths

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

This discipline causes most items in a square to wink out of existence and be transformed into gold. Those items held or carried by a living creature are unaffected by this discipline. Due to the nature of some items, a high skill level may be necessary to affect them.

form transmute

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

Darkness prevents the incursion of light into a 30' x 30' area. The discipline may be centered at a specific location or upon a targeted creature. Darkness will counteract the effects of the Light Discipline.

form darkness

[cast this on a target or along a path]

11 - Maker of Paths

energy cost: 20
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

Blast creates a sphere of concussive force centered in a specified location and extending 30' outward in each direction. Blast will destroy non-reinforced walls, damage flesh, and shatter small objects on the ground.

form blast <path>

energy cost: 25
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

This discipline allows the recipient to see in the dark.

form infravision

[cast this on a target or along a path]

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 100
side effect: stressful

This discipline will destroy any object that is on the ground and all walls in view of the character.

form disintegrate <path>

12 - Enchanter

energy cost: 30
stress factor: 30
side effect: stressful

This discipline attempts to increase the combat efficiency of an item by psionically removing its flaws. Each use of this discipline increases the combat bonus of the item by one, up to a normal maximum of three.

At skill 12 items can be enchanted to a maximum of +3
At skill 17 items can be enchanted to a maximum of +5. Enchanting items to a maximum of five costs the psionicist 8 permanent health points.
At skill 19 to a maximum of +6. Enchanting items to a maximum of six costs the psionicist 15 permanent health points.

Hold the item in your right hand: form enchant

energy cost: 30
stress factor: 30
side effect: none known

This discipline attempts to recharge a magical item. Though the power of the recharge depends on the skill level of the psionicist, the energy cost remains the same whether the item contains a full charge or is nearly depleted of energy. The number of charges that can be imbued into an item depends on the quality of the item and your skill level. Only disciplines gained at half your current skill level can be imbued in items. To recharge an item hold it in your right hand: form imbue Do not wear hpts adds when casting the discipline imbue. Mentalists who attain the psionic skill level of Defier of Vision can imbue wooden twigs of exceptional quality with new disciplines. Wooden twigs of this quality are available from the Healer's Guild in the Healer Trainer's shop in Nork. Mentalists who attain the psionic skill level of Wizard can imbue a discipline on gold bracers. There is permanent health point loss using this discipline. Through skill 20 it will cost the mentalist 5 health points for each imbue. Skill 20 and beyond it will cost 6 health points, and for every 50 imbue the mentalist will lose 3 to 5 constitution points.

form imbue <discipline>

energy cost: 30
stress factor: 50
side effect: none known

This discipline searches out the nearest friendly creature and then teleports it to your square. The creature does not obey your every command, but it will fight alongside you. The length of time the creature remains to fight depends on the psionicist's skill.

skill 12: bear
skill 14: roc
skill 17: red dragon
skill 20: silver dragon

form findfriendly

energy cost: 20
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

This discipline creates an invisible barrier around the recepient that reduces the damage from any physical attack such as a punch or a sword blow. The strength of the energyshield is proportional to the skill level of the psionicist.

form energyshield

[cast this on yourself or others]

13 - Controller of Ice

energy cost: 55
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

With icebreath the psionicist exhales a freezing vapor at a targeted area of 90' x 90'. Icebreath causes an average of 18 points of damage per skill level of the psionicist.

form icebreath

[cast this at a target or along a path]

14 - Worker of Force

energy cost: 35
stress factor: 50
side effect: none known

This discipline launches a piercing shaft of psionic force from the fingertips of the psionicist. The damage caused by this discipline is based upon the skill level of the psionicist. This discipline may stun the victim in addition to doing physical damage.

form energyspear

[cast this on a target]

energy cost: 20
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

This discipline creates a barrier around the recepient that reduces damage from psionic attacks. The strength of Absorption depends upon the skill level of the psioncist.

form absorption

energy cost: 20
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

This discipline attempts to move a creature a space or two in a random direction. It is possible to push opponents off clifs or to move stunned allies away from danger.

form push

[cast this on a target]

15 - Defier of Gravity

energy cost: 25
stress factor: 10
side effect: none known

This discipline attempts to cause a group of creatures to become so enraged that they direct their attacks at random targets, including their companions. The number of creatures affected is based on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline and the experience level of the target group. In a given group some members may be affected, while others are not.

form confusion

energy cost: 25
stress factor: 5
side effect: none known

This discipline allows the psionicist to momentarily see through the eyes of another player character. The target need not be on the screen with the psionicist.

form scry <target>

energy cost: 30
stress factor: 15
side effect: none known

This discipline enables the receipient to fall great distances without physical harm. The duration of the discipline depends on the skill level of the psionicist.

form featherfall

[cast this on yourself or others]

16 - Master of Earth

energy cost: 100
stress factor: 5000
side effect: very stressful

With the power of the mind, the psionicist causes the earth itself to rise up in a cresting wave and smash all creatures, friend and foe alike, in a one square area. Use this discipline with caution.

form earthcrush <path>

17 - Defier of Vision

energy cost: 10
stress factor: 20
side effect: none known

This discipline renders the recipient completely invisible to most creatures. Invisibility is not broken when damage is taken by the recipient, but it is broken when the recipient takes a hostile action.

form liminv

[cast this on yourself or others]

energy cost: varies
stress factor: ?
side effect: ?

This discipline removes the protection spells and energy points from the recipient. The amount of energy points taken from the recipient depends on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline.

form deplete <target>

18 - Wizard

energy cost: 100
stress factor: ?
side effect: ?

This discipline will reflect back any spell that is cast to the person that originally cast it. The duration of this discipline depends on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline.

form psimirror

[cast this on yourself or others]

energy cost: 100
stress factor: ?
side effect: ?

This discipline covers 20' x 20' area and knocks down walls. The only protection against it is psi cutters and psimirror. The duration of this discipline depends on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline.

form shockwave <path>

energy cost: 20
stress factor: 50
side effect: none known

This discipline allows the recipient to move through normal walls and some forms of stone. The duration of this discipline depends on the skill level of the psionicist who forms the discipline. This discipline is only intended to allow quick passage through stone, not existence there. Take care to be out of the wall at the end of the duration.

form passwall

[cast this on yourself or others]

19 - Master of Dimension

energy cost: 50
stress factor: 500
side effect: stressful

Teleport discharges a powerful bolt of energy that transports the psionicist to a previously designated place. To form this discipline, the mentalist must first have memorized a location through the memorize command: memorize <location>.
"Location" can be any name the psionicist wants up to ten letters long. The psionicist can memorize twenty separate locations. Teleportation requires a great deal of effort and may take several uninterrupted rounds. When ready: form teleport <location>.
The enercy cost is incurred when the teleport discipline is formed. As several locations may be memorized, different location names are needed to identify each. Note that some teleporting devices and portals may confuse or even erase memorized locations. For this reason most high-level psionicists use disciplines instead of relying on established portals.

20 - Master of Time

energy cost: 25
stress factor: 5000
side effect: very stressful

Haste doubles the speed of the recepient, effectively giving him two rounds of action for every round of normal time. A hasted person can also move at double speed. The duration of this discipline depends upon the level of the psionicist.

form haste

[cast this on yourself or others]