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Survival Tips

Dying is not the worse thing in the Drakkarn world but it happens rather frequently. It is more of an inconvenience. However it is not fun. And you will come to hate the phrase: "Being dead that can't be done." Here are some tips on how to stay alive and play the game at the same time.

There are two varieties of healing potions: Mend and Instant Heal (IH) potions. Mend comes in two types, blue and gold and the blue and red. Mends will heal you for a random number of health points (between 5 and 70). IH's resemble milk bottles, and have the letters IH enscribed on the front. It heals you all the way up execpt for 4 or 5 hits.

Use mend bottles untill you have over 100 hits, then use IH bottles.

Monsters Regenerate so if you clear out an area, some more will just pop in every so often. About every 3 or 4 min on the average. So no potty, or lunch breaks.

Watch out for swarms of monsters.. If you're just starting a new area.. try to keep doors closed.

Watch out for swarms of monsters.. move into a new area slowly.

If you do get into a swarm of monsters or run out of health potions, don't feel you need to stand and fight, go ahead and run.... We won't think you're chicken.. REMEMBER to always run back the way you came... if you run into unknown area's you might run into a bigger swarm.

Learn how to make succor twigs. It does help alot when you get far away from the stairs and you can always drop a twig to get out of trouble.

Ask questions.. those who have been playing this game for long periods of time.. know that it is not what you can do alone.. but what you and your friends can do...

Learn the maps of the game..(so ya know where to run when you have to, and you dont get lost)

Common Courtesy

Things you wish someone told you before you made that mistake

If you need to ask questions feel free to page. DO NOT page repeatedly.. page once wait 3 or 4 min (or more) and then page again.. Most will answer a page, but might need to kill the swarm they are in and take the treasure. If you do not know how to page, ask someone else in the pub. I am sure they will help you.

Never Loot someone else's kills. Only take treasure from the monsters you kill, unless they tell you otherwise.

If your at the lockers, and see a pile of interesting looking stuff.. dont pick it up. It is most likely a larger player transferring between characters.

Always ask before picking up any item which does not belong to you.

Stealing from other players is not a nice thing to do.. Player thieves are thieves that steal from players, thieves are thieves that steal from monsters. Player thieves are often refused help and not invited on hunts.

In the dungeon if you run into another player, Say Hello. Do not attack monsters they are fighting unless they ask for help. Move on to another area, or ask if you can tag along with them. there are enough hunting area's in Drakkar that you don't have to share monsters if you dont want to. (I am a greedy person.. and all the monsters in my area are Mine, Mine, Mine. You cant kill them.. LOL)

Forget Me Nots

You shall not kill other characters.
(unless they attack you first.)

You shall not loot other characters kill's.

You shall not crowd other characters in hunting area's.
(first come first serve plenty to go around.)

You shall not take other character's items.

If you have or do break any of these rules you will want to talk to that person about it. Saying your sorry after you have done something wrong is the first step into making friends. Also it keeps the larger players from ganging up on you. You never know who that small character it is your stealing from. I know I have a large barb and ment, but a small healer and really small thief that only runs -1.