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Here are the scrolls I have found in the game and what they happen to mean.


What it means
Beware the great man-bull! There is a protection on him by which my weapons were made useless! Our party would have all perished if not for a member of the bortherhood of thieves who was carrying a silver dagger! It seems that only silver may injure the Minotaur! <smiles> just like it says you need silver to hurt the Minotaur.
Lest you forget, my child. I shall repeat my commands. Seek ye the man-bull beast, and take that which gives him strength; and bring it to my gloomy cell. In return for this token which will grant me final freedom. I shall bestow on thee the weapon of thy forefathers, who hunted nork before the great cataclysm, but beware the beast can cleave a man with but a glancing blow. Ohh I like this one.. means you kill the mino, and take his item. Bring the item to the man's gloomy cell and he gives you a weapon. (note the weapon is from way back when, so really cant be any good now can it?)
Deep in the bowels of Tehruh a great maze unfolds to trap the unsuspecting adventurer. Legend has it that the only way to enter this twist of terror is by presenting an uncut emerald at the entrance but beware, there is but one way in, and one way out. Under Tehruh (da prison) there is a maze. To get in you need an emerald. The exit is on the other side of the Mino lair.
When climbing down the four steps from the mausoleum of wishes. You must pause on the 2nd step to symbolize your bits of wisdom in words. Ummmmm.... not sure. (grins)
Some say I direct, some say I kill. I'm rude to do to others, yet with out me theres no will. What am I? Ummmmm... not sure.
(this scroll is very tattered) Brother Paladin... I am but the last when I lay down my head there will be no more. Listen carefully to what I must say, for the greatest and final quest is put before thee. Let (a hole in the parchment makes this part illegible) to the quest! The mausoleums house that which you seek, young paladin, you are the last hope, the final child of process. That which cannot be... has ... broken! That what held must be found. T.K.W.H.S.T.L.W.A.K. signed L. Ummmmm... not sure.
(some scribblings about a silver dragon have been marked out and in their place is this scroll) Block thine enemy in sets of four, for when thou doest, you will have defeated the first foe in locking the door. Ummmmm... not sure. But I happen to like unlocking doors not locking them.
Seek the trainer on the island of fire, for he will instruct ya in many forgotten skills. Island of fire = Valcanio town, so is the Hit Doc.
Bart. I have discovered a great secret! Hidden in the steel flower is a guild hall dedicated to the brotherhood of thives! The secret is quite daringly simple, only those who overcome the limitations of human eyes may enter! Beware exposure, lest this note fall into the wrong hands dear friends. Hummmm.. Thief guild, in steel flower tavern.... behind a secret door.... (smiles) never figure that out on my own ya know.
Many scholors believe that the scales of a dragon are more durable than the finest Norken metal. Though many would love to test this theory, few of the greater wyrms are cooperative in giving up there hides. umm Scales good, Metal bad.
Ancient legend tells of a tiny island just south west of nork, surrounded by great cliffs it is (Torn Here) Griffie Island...
(Torn Here) here the brave adventure will climb to new heights, and battle the great silver bird. In the city of Nork there exists a strange hermit who, when presented with (Torn Here) Armorer guy east of the steal flower pub.
(Torn Here) the hide of this great, will give the hearty adventure a weapon of great power + durability. Few have ever attempted this feat, and fewer still have returned to tell of it. Give him the taned hide of da bird, and he give you a silver bow. (atleast this one not old like the guy in the prison.)