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Image Main Description Sub - Description Special Attributes
wine skin the fluid will permanently increase your hits Hits increase (max. 600)
- Quest item for tarak -
- The fluid will permamently increase a random stat increase random stat (must be maxed with normal pots first)
Black bottle with red circles The fluid will permamently increase your strength Strength increase (max. 18)
Blue bottle picturing a red line Willpower increase (max 19)
little red dots Constitution increase (max 18)
a red line encircling 2 birds Constitution increase (max. 10)
a red line encircling 3 birds Constitution increase (max. 15)
a red line Constitution increase (max. 18)
Bottle - Mend wounds (25 hits, varies)
This potion will permamently increase your willpower Willpower increase (max. 19)
Bottle picturing a bird over a diamond (1 bird) Restore psi-points (max)???
a bird over a diamond and a bird over a crescent moon (2 birds) Restore psi-points (max)???
four birds over a diamond (4 birds) Restore lost hits due to death (+1 hp or more)???
Blue vial with a silver fur This potion will permanently increase your wisdom Wisdom increase (max. 19)
This fluid is a potion of youth Restore age to young
Bottle with tiny red circles - Agility increase (max. 18)???
Clear glass bottle labelled 'Stan's Pure Grain' - +80 experience points, stunned for 2 rounds
Clear vial labelled 'Instant Health' - Mend wounds (near max hits)
Completely reflectionless vial with no visible markings The fluid will permamently increas your energy points eps increase (1-6 points)
Dark bottle covered with small eyeshaped symbols Cure blindness
with a red cross on the neck Mend wounds (10 hits, varies)
Large clay jug with a circular ring near the opening - Potent Potable (+1 - 300 exp and stun for few rounds)
Red bottle with various fire dwelling creatures - Prot. from fire
Sand colored bottle with a flat bottom The fluid will permanently increase your intelligence Intelligence increase (max. 19)
Silver bottle with a strange smell Cure poison
a strong smell Cure blindness
red circles Agility increase (max. 18)
Silver-white bottle with a frosty base - Prot. from ice
Slender bronze flask - Gas, -1 hit temporarily, +1 experience point
Small vial with lightning bolts along the side - Restore psi-points (max)
Tankard of ale - +1 hit, +10 experience points
Tan vial with a painting of spring flowers - Nitro
- Poison
White vial - Cure poison