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Martial Artist
By Snake-Eyes

ALL of the following is true to my knowledge as a 18/15 Martial Artist in Drakkar

Party Hunting With Martial Artists

When you party hunt with martial artists you probably want to know this basic knowledge

1. When you are in a swarm of enemies, stand beside MAs, not on their hex so if necessary the MA can sweep to clear enemies out.

2. When a MA is bait in a lair, it is best for the healer to keep his life as full as possible, because MA aren't the same as zerked barbs, most only have about 500 hits average, and they do not have autobalm(when you go below 30% life you drink a IH)like barbs.

3. MA are not really important in most lairs until skill 22.(Kwangsoo)

4. MAs do block better than most other classes but that doesn't mean they should be left unhealed.

5. MA are skill based, the more skill they have the more useful they will be to your party.

6. You should look for spell casting NPCs and kill them first if a MA is bait, because MA take a lot of damage from spell casters.

Basic information

So.. when do I get special attacks with my MA?

Skill level Special Attack
6   --- Jumpkick
8   --- Sweep
17 --- Chi Sweep
18 --- Minor Shield
19 --- Wallbreak
20 --- IronFist
21 --- MinorPool
22 --- JumpStrike
23 --- Shield
24 --- Power Sweep
25 --- Pool
26 --- RapidPunch
27 --- Major Shield
28 --- Major Pool
29 --- Deathtouch
All based on skill level

First of all, we come to armor for the new martial artist..MA are encumbered by pretty much any armor but a GRIFFIN or a BRUCE GRIFFIN, griffins offer about 200 points of fire/ice protection, and Bruce offers about 250 fire/ice protection. Griffins are easy to kill and a decent armor for new MAs. If you need help with a griffin I will be glad to kill you one, just page me on ICQ (3079383).

Cloaks for martial artists are vital to most all martial artists of Drakkar. I recommend Black Ninja Robes, they give +2 agility for each robe worn. They aren't easy to get a hold of so you will probably have to wait for a while. The next step up is the Slith Cloak, for a MA trade it will give you a +1STR add, a +1 AGIL add, and a 3/3 Combat adds. After Slith would probably be Reggie. Reggie reflects most spells at the caster and gives 3/3 combat adds.

When MA are able to acquire 3 cloaks of the kinds listed above they may want to only wear cloaks and discard armor. Since Bruce and griffin aren't very good for absorbing damage they don't need to be worn when no fire/ice protection is required.

Second of all MA need gripclaws the first set of grips for MA are probably the basic Red Dragon gauntlets(ones with 8inch spikes made of silver) They don't hit very hard but they have 3/3 combat adds and are silver they are the only silver grips able to be acquired easily. The next set up I would say are the Alerian gripclaws. They hit very hard but are not silver and usually don't have combat adds (I have had a pair of +1s and heard of +5s but never seen them). They are MA only which means no other class may wear them. They are very good in Aleria, since Alerian guys have a TON of hits. When you acquire a BNR (black Ninja robe) you may wish to trade it in Maeling (at level 15)for the MA only Katsumo gauntlets . The grips are very nice, top notch indeed they are a 4/4 combat adds, and also a psi-cutter(they cut all damage spells deal in half). They contact a lot but do not deal a whole lot of damage, they hit about 50 to 70 points harder than Red Dragon gauntlets. Then we come to the +6 SNR gauntlets, they are 6/6 glowing silver I believe and they can be found on any Ninja wearing a Silver Ninja Robe, they hit harder than the BNR grips. The next step up is the Kings Quest Vampire Gripclaws, I must say these are totally badass grips. They are a 5/5 combat adds, they are silver, and glowing. They hit VERY hard and they block all sorts of things exceptionally well.

The order of grip damage goes this way

*NOTE*- the results of the Grips damage is not accurate due to damage absorbing gear(2 reggies and a ES ring) worn by ANIMAL__MoY during testing, but If about 75 points of damage is added to each you will get a fairly accurate damage reading of what a 18/15 MA can do. Also note I had a 19 STR when this was done.

Each set of Gauntlets were tested 10 times on a very well equipped barbarian (Animal_MoY)

  Worst --> --> --> --> --> Best
Gaunts Nork Leather+0 Leather+2 RD+3 Kats+4 SNR+6 Alerian +0 VAMP+5
Damage. 1-67Pts. 10-95Pts. 12-118Pts 44-147Pts --------- 83-332 103-459
Blocks Tons Few Less Not Many Not Many --------- Tons Not Very Many

An easy way to skill a smaller martial artist is to solo griffins, they will give a lot of skill if you pay the trainer before you go and give him a heal when he gets low on hits. You get skill from each IH dropped that he drinks up to, 2 IH will give you skill, after 2 there's no skill left in the enemy.

Advanced Martial Artists

Not a whole to say about it. I have found the following places are very good skilling for MAs

1. The double griffin lair

2. Minotaurs (tethru and frore)

3. The ever friendly Red Dragon

4. -7, in the first 2 and 3 rooms

5. Alerian clickers and gargs

6. Ghoul Lord of Aleria

7. The bowler(or Ogre) cave of Aleria

8. The NW and SW caves of Aleria

9. Thumperviller of Aleria

10. And the daddy of em all KM4 and KM5

Some tips for hunting in tuff spots

1. Don't take a good shield to a tuff spot, it will be hard to get back if you die

2. Make a Macro for your drink IH command, I use the Alt + k with auto return for mine

3. Jumpkick isn't very useful, (least not at skill 15), Make a macro for it though, it makes killing runaway enemies a lot easier to catch, I use the ALT + l with target lockworks fairly well for catching pesky dancing weaklings.

4. Close the doors behind you so as to avoid zoos, and make it easier for others to survive as well.

5. Wear the proper attire for every occasion always dress appropriately, think hard about where u are going, DO the enemies hit you a lot? Probably need more agility. Do you take too much damage from spells? Wear a psi cutter. Things like this are important.

6. I have found that a 5/5 ring, and a 3/3 ES ring work very well for a ring combo, it worked better than a 3/3 ES and a +2 agility ring in all the spots I tried.

7. Make sure that if you lag on a heal command that you dance to a different hex, I find it makes heals go trough a lot faster

8. ALWAYS go to places like KM4 and KM5 with Minor Restore ON! Other wise the rats will have a hay day with your gear and you will be left crying over a pile of coins.

9. Don't always rush into a zooey spot, take some time and ease in slowly killing enemies gradually, often a zoo will get too big quickly if you rush in and you will die trying to kill them all.. least I do <Grin>

10. MAKE SURE THE HEALER CAN SEE YOU!! Chances are if you cant see the healer he cant see you to heal you either.

11. In KM4 and KM5 I find that killing the archers first makes things go a lot smoother, because you aren't getting proned and stunned every round.

12. Always stay as fully healed as possible on KM4 and KM5 because archers can regenerate, or you may walk into a room full of archers and not notice till its too late and you are proned or stunned.

13. Also in KM4 I have found that a loot hex is extremely effective, just dump all your coins in 1 spot so you hit harder and don't get hit as much.

14. And if you cant handle a spot alone, get a buddy to come help you, it will save you money on majors and its a lot more fun in the long run!

15. Turning off ICQ ALWAYS helps, it seems to lessen lag time a little

16. Keep a spare Basilisk shield in locker so if you die somewhere that you cant go without a shield you can go retrieve your shield and not have to inconvenience others to get it for you.

17. If you are retrieving a DP somewhere tuff, it helps to bring a mentalist and let them build walls around it , giving you cover while you sack the items and twig the cloaks out, OR you can dex the person into the illusion room and they can get it themselves.

18. Since MA are especially vulnerable to spell casters, try to kill the NPC mentalists and healers first so you don't end up taking tons of damage or getting stunned or Eced.

19. Skill in throwing, so that until you get vamps you can kill enemies that need sliver, raxe is recommended for throwing MAs.

20. Pay skill every time you get 500k, until 500k just bank it.

21. Make sure when you have snacks near your computer that you keep em in containers with tops if you get in a frenzy and knock over a drink, you would be looking at a pile of money to get it fixed :O

Well that's about it :O) Let me know if you have any questions or comments , my ICQ number is 3079383, page any time.(I am Brad, yeah that's me)

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Special thanks to :
Daniel of MoY
Stassja Of TGID
Kwangsoo Of KAM
And many others for their information and help on this page :O)